#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期

There will be PPI data and unemployment benefits at 8:30 tonight. I personally feel that the PPI data has little impact. The main focus is on the number of people receiving unemployment benefits. The published value range is weekly data, and the increase is not expected to be too large. If the data is in the range of 1.95-22.5, it is bearish for the US dollar index, which is good for the market. However, if it reaches 18, the market impact of 68,500 is not a big problem. If the published value is greater than 23, it is bearish for the market. If it is within 25, it will not have much impact on the market.

What is PPI? PPI is an indicator that measures price changes of goods and services sold by producers. It reflects price changes in the production process and is usually used to predict future CPI changes. The rise in PPI means an increase in production costs, which may be transmitted to consumer prices, leading to an increase in CPI.