[How to become a central air conditioner? ]

I have a friend who is a sea king. Every time I ask him to hang out, he can easily call out 20+ girls with a beauty score of more than 7 points, and there are no duplicates. Why do many brothers have a hard time chatting with one or two girls, but he can maintain hundreds of girls, and the conversion rate is amazing. I carefully studied his case and summarized the following characteristics of central air conditioners:

1. Very good at packaging yourself.

- He posts to Moments 3-4 times a week, which is considered high-profile among men, and often has high-value displays.

- Not only chat software, he also operates major short video platforms and graphic platforms.

- Many of the content he posts is a display of work and career.

- He has many friends, and he must take photos whenever he gets together.

2. Use interests to bind social relationships.

- In reality, he never deliberately shows off his wealth, but inadvertently reveals his connections.

- Give girls some advice from a career perspective.

- Often help girls introduce some high-quality men.

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