6.13$ETH Short-term

On the 4-hour line, the overall trend of Ethereum is a little weak. It broke through the short-term pin low of 3498 and broke the upper oscillation range. The rebound last night only reached the bottom of the oscillation range and did not continue to rise. The bulls are very weak. In addition to that wave of rapid rise, the previous trend of Ethereum was also relatively weak. Now it has broken through the support again. The market outlook is all the way down. Ethereum is expected to move towards 3000. It is also recommended to trade high and short. The recommended point in the white plate is around 3600, and the target is around 3380. Seize the opportunity to enter the market by yourself;

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Short-term trading, control risks, and take care of your own profits and losses;#美国5月CPI超预期回落