📢Odaily Planet Daily News! Jupiter founder @weremeow published an article on the X platform, deeply analyzing the core problems of Ethereum. He pointed out that the problem with Ethereum is that a lot of capital and incentives are invested in creating L2/3/4 networks, while there is almost no incentive to create utility and value on any core network. 😮

This means that although everyone hopes that the Ethereum community and capital can be centralized, the fragmentation of the Ethereum community and capital will continue to occur unrestricted in the foreseeable future. 😔

At the same time, he also made a prediction about Solana's development trajectory. He said that if the competition for block space increases exponentially, it will be interesting to see whether Solana will face the same problem. At present, the development trajectory of Solana's SVM application chain and L2 infrastructure is exactly the same as that of the early Ethereum L2. 😯

However, he emphasized that there are still more excess returns from developing directly on Solana than launching a new chain, which will be the biggest driving force in determining future development results. 💪

In general, although he has doubts about the future of Ethereum, he is optimistic about the development prospects of Solana. Let’s wait and see how the future of these two blockchain platforms will develop! 🚀