
I see this 3-day graph and then if this falling pattern is fulfilled, and it remains as it is, something big is about to happen, something tells me that BTC will rise so that this graph does what it should, you know well that we were right before, check what we already published about #Fun , it is making exactly the movements prior to a big rise, look at its graph, look at BTC, they will rise when you least think about it but it will be too soon for you not to realize it while you are outside waiting for tickets, they will leave you and do buy more expensive, this is a smart game and they have not finished catching the fish, in this fall that we already anticipated with a publication and the rise before this that we also anticipated, I think they are telling me something big and that they took out the weak to win The strong ones, now are the weak ones who will buy up, looking for the fomo of 100 thousand for 1 BTC and those who want to collect that possible increase will fall in the midst of the geopolitical and media speculation that there will be, there I will sell and wait for BTC to continue its reversal logic in a frog's fall into a pot simmering, after gold makes its new historical maximum and proceeds to look for more stable lows for a long time, leaving those fearful of the apocalytic War III inside.

I'm an Ape 🦧... this graph goes all or nothing, ABSOLUTELY ALL MY CAPITAL.💸💸💸💸📈 you will understand later.

I am not giving you any investment advice, if you want to win you have to learn to play for yourself. This is an intelligent game, not an emotional one 💥🚀