Tomorrow is an important day for financial markets. Thursday, August 10, 15.30: US inflation rate data will be announced.

➡️ Expectation: 3.3%

If US inflation data turns out to be lower than expected, the crypto sector may be positively affected. Low inflation may increase the attractiveness of traditional assets, driving investors towards risky assets. In this case, cryptocurrencies may also become more attractive as alternative investments. Investors may show interest in cryptocurrencies, thinking that low inflation can support economic stability, and prices may rise.

However, if US inflation data turns out to be higher than expected, the crypto sector may be negatively affected. High inflation often leads to depreciation of currencies and reduced purchasing power. In this case, investors may turn to safe haven assets, especially gold, and exit cryptocurrencies. Additionally, high inflation can reduce demand for risky assets by increasing economic uncertainty, which can push cryptocurrency prices down.
