Chairman of the Federal Reserve

Jerome Powell

Federal Reserve System of the United States

20th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20551

Dear Chairman Powell:

As a global citizen, I write this letter to express my concern about the current interest rate level and to request that the Federal Reserve consider a rate cut. The Federal Reserve's policies not only have a profound impact on the U.S. economy, but also play a vital role in global economic stability and development.

At present, the global economy faces many challenges, including but not limited to trade tensions, geopolitical instability, and the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this environment, high interest rate policies have further exacerbated global economic uncertainty and affected the economic recovery process of various countries.

First, high interest rates have put tremendous pressure on the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises around the world. Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of the economies of various countries, and they play an important role in creating jobs and promoting innovation. However, high interest rates make it difficult for these enterprises to obtain the necessary funds to expand and develop, thereby limiting their growth potential.

Second, high interest rates have also had a negative impact on global consumer spending. High interest rates increase loan costs, causing consumers to be more cautious when buying houses, cars and other commodities. This not only affects the quality of life of individuals, but also has a suppressive effect on overall economic growth.

In addition, high interest rates have also had an adverse impact on the global real estate market. High mortgage rates have increased the cost of buying a house, leading to a slowdown in home sales, which in turn has affected the development of the construction industry and related industries.

We implore the Federal Reserve to reassess its current interest rate policy, taking into account the possible positive effects of interest rate cuts. Interest rate cuts can not only reduce the financial pressure on businesses and consumers, but also stimulate economic growth, promote employment and investment, and thus make a positive contribution to the global economic recovery.

We believe that the Federal Reserve, as one of the most influential central banks in the world, has always been committed to maintaining economic stability and promoting sustainable growth. We hope that you will consider our request and make a positive contribution to achieving a stronger global economic recovery.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter in your busy schedule and look forward to your reply$BTC $ETH $SOL