Don't know about rebates? That's a big loss!

Rebates, in simple terms, means that the exchange returns part of your transaction fees to you. This is a rare "return money" in the currency circle! For example, the spot fee rate of a certain exchange is one thousandth. When opening a position of 10,000U, the fee for a complete transaction (opening + closing) is 10U. If you add ten times leverage, the fee will rise to 100U. It doesn't look like much, but after a year, the number is not small, especially for friends who trade frequently.

At this time, the advantage of rebates is reflected! Through rebates, you can get back part of the handling fee. If the rebate ratio is high enough, the rebate amount in a year can even exceed your principal, which is a blessing for investors!

Good news is here! I have won Binance's top rebate ratio for everyone. Register with my exclusive referral code and you can enjoy the highest transaction fee rebate! This is simply free money, don't miss it!

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