Market analysis: From the current structure, the market last night was secondary, rising first and then falling, with more than 3,000 points of space up and down. This was due to the impact of the CPI at 20 o'clock on the entire market, which gave a rapid upward pull. Later, at 2 a.m. last night, the Federal Reserve ushered in another wave of hot discussions. After the early morning, it fell back strongly, stepped on the 67215 line to rebound upward, and ushered in a slight decline in the morning.

Market analysis: From yesterday's trend, yesterday's big cake stabilized above the 66900 line in the morning, and ushered in a strong upward trend in the evening due to the impact of CPI. The upward resistance was given to the 70028 line position, and it fell back. In the early morning, it ushered in another wave of strong declines, bottomed out at the 67215 line position to rebound upward, and fell back in the morning. From the current overall performance, the decline is still formed, so the market outlook can continue to look down from the high altitude.

Big Pie Idea: Short around 68600, target 66000

Ether Idea: Short around 3570, target 3430$BTC $ETH #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储利率决策即将公布 #meme板块关注热点 #美联储何时降息?