1. The ear controls the brain. This type of person, once hearing something, can control the hands directly with the ears without going through the brain. If you complete almost every transaction in this way, then you are not suitable for the market at all.

2. Crazy shopping type. The biggest characteristic of this type of people is that they may only have tens of thousands of yuan of funds, but they can own dozens of stocks. They want to own all the stocks, and when a stock goes up, they will say that they also have it to comfort themselves. This type of people is not suitable for the market at all.

3. Uncontrollable type. Every time they make an operation, they know it is wrong, but they cannot control themselves. There is a stubbornness in their hearts. When it comes to the critical moment when they need to make a decision, they always fail. This kind of people are not suitable for the market at all.

4. Always admit mistakes. This is a typical type that always admits mistakes but never corrects them. The same mistakes can be made forever but never corrected. In the market, one mistake is enough to be fatal. A person who never corrects his mistakes is not suitable for the market.

5. Xianglin Sao type: This kind of people are always sighing and groaning, and may even develop a special enjoyment of this tragic mood. They think that you are not here to suffer in the market, so why bother? The sky outside the market is vast, so just leave.

6. Gambler type: For him, the market is a casino. There is no need for such people to be in the market. Not to mention far away, there are many new casinos in Macau now. A bridge is being built to connect to an island in Zhuhai. The island will be built into a large resort. You can gamble by crossing the bridge during the day and come back to sleep at night. Those who are involved in the construction have a background in a large American group. They have just acquired a large tourism company in China. In the future, they will provide one-stop service, which is very convenient.

7. Stock commentator type. There are so many people who like to brag in the market. Some people, who obviously suffer huge losses, just like to brag. For them, the market is not for operation, but for talking and bragging. Such people are not suitable to be stock commentators in the market.

8. People who are too immersed in the drama. This type of people treat the fluctuations of the stock market as a TV series. Every slight change can make them lose control of their emotions. They lose control of the rise, fall, and consolidation. They are tortured for four hours after the market opens. This type of people is too tired in the market and it is better for them to go home and watch soap operas.

9. The paranoid type. This type of person is stubborn and will not change his mind. Paranoia may have little impact on theories or other things, or even be beneficial, but in the ever-changing market, paranoia has no way to survive.

10. Zhao Kuo type. Market operation is different from pure theoretical research. The market is the market, just like the battlefield. Zhao Kuo and his ilk have no way out.

The above ten types are particularly unsuitable in the market. Of course, it does not mean that people with this kind of performance must leave the market forever. The key is to adjust themselves first. The so-called skill lies outside of poetry, and the same applies to the market.

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