#美国5月CPI超预期回落 #

MiLianChu has a 100% chance of cutting interest rates in November

The US interest rate cut has finally started. In itself, interest rate hikes and interest rate cuts are two sides of the economy. When the economy is overheated, interest rates are raised until the data is normal. In fact, interest rate hikes have a lag effect, just like the last few doses of cold medicine. It’s okay not to take it, but I’m afraid of a rebound. The temperature is still a little high. However, the last few interest rate hikes have basically been excessive interest rate hikes, so once the data is slightly normal, interest rate cuts will often be put on the agenda soon.

Europe has already cut interest rates, which means that the United States will soon, because the general environment will continue to affect everyone in the game. Others have cut interest rates, their data is normal, water is flowing, and your data will soon be normal, and interest rate cuts are inevitable.

Look at the currency circle these days, it’s been in chaos, and it’s scary. The real uncle is really unbearable, and the aunt is even more unbearable.

Why bother? Why bother? The foreign exchange market is not jumping like you, and the US stock market is still beautiful. What are you doing?