#美联储利率决策即将公布 #TopCoinsJune2024 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 $PEPE $PEOPLE $WIF If you want to be rich, buy memes. You may look down on them, but you have to buy some. Otherwise, it will be a pity to miss the bull market. The wif callback is in place. 2.4 will shout to get on the bus. Brothers, go. Win the club model. If you lose, you can just start over. Buying point 1: 0.11500 USDT (recently hit this price and rebounded, which can be regarded as short-term support)

Buying point 2: 0.11200 USDT (near the low point of June 11, if it further explores this area, there may be buying intervention)

Long stop loss point: 0.10800 USDT (leave enough space to avoid small fluctuations triggering stop loss, and it is lower than the lowest price of the recent cycle)

Selling point 1: 0.12000 USDT (close to EMA(7) and EMA(30), there may be pressure)

Sell point 2: 0.12500 USDT (recent high point area, if the price rises to this point, there may be greater selling pressure)

Short stop loss point: 0.12800 USDT (higher than sell point 2, giving the market room for fluctuations, and exceeding the recent high point)