
Our real-time BTC to USD price update shows the current Bitcoin price as $66,967 USD.
Our most recent Bitcoin price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 12.38% and reach $75,256 by June 13, 2024.
Our technical indicators signal about the Bearish Bullish 48% market sentiment on Bitcoin, while the Fear & Greed Index is displaying a score of 74 (Greed).
Over the last 30 days, Bitcoin has had 16/30 (53%) green days and 3.76% price volatility.
Bitcoin (BTC) Technical Overview
When discussing future trading opportunities of digital assets, it is essential to pay attention to market sentiments.
Bullish 48%
Bearish 52%

Bitcoin Price Prediction 2024
According to the technical analysis of Bitcoin prices expected in 2024, the minimum cost of Bitcoin will be $50,384.11. The maximum level that the BTC price can reach is $71,654.77. The average trading price is expected around $92,925.42.
Potential ROI: 8.5%
BTC Price Forecast for June 2024
Based on the price fluctuations of Bitcoin at the beginning of 2024, crypto experts expect the average BTC rate of $73,883 in June 2024. Its minimum and maximum prices can be expected at $67,565 and at $80,201, respectively.
Potential ROI: 21.5%
July 2024: Bitcoin Price Forecast
Cryptocurrency experts are ready to announce their forecast for the BTC price in July 2024. The minimum trading cost might be $61,029.75, while the maximum might reach $91,086.30 during this month. On average, it is expected that the value of Bitcoin might be around $76,058.03.
Potential ROI: 38%
BTC Price Forecast for August 2024
Crypto analysts have checked the price fluctuations of Bitcoin in 2024 and in previous years, so the average BTC rate they predict might be around $65,459.66 in August 2024. It can drop to $63,340.23 as a minimum. The maximum value might be $67,579.08.
Potential ROI: 2.4%
September 2024: Bitcoin Price Forecast
In the middle of the year 2023, the BTC price will be traded at $65,858.60 on average. September 2024 might also witness an increase in the Bitcoin value to $69,050.11. It is assumed that the price will not drop lower than $62,667.08 in September 2024.
Potential ROI: 4.6%
BTC Price Forecast for October 2024
Crypto experts have analyzed Bitcoin prices in 2024, so they are ready to provide their estimated trading average for October 2024 — $75,262.98. The lowest and peak BTC rates might be $59,478.71 and $91,047.25.
Potential ROI: 37.9%
November 2024: Bitcoin Price Forecast
Crypto analysts expect that at the end of summer 2024, the BTC price will be around $83,890.20. In November 2024, the Bitcoin cost may drop to a minimum of $74,854.97. The expected peak value might be $92,925.42 in November 2024.
Potential ROI: 40.7%
BTC Price Forecast for December 2024
Having analyzed Bitcoin prices, cryptocurrency experts expect that the BTC rate might reach a maximum of $87,307.37 in December 2024. It might, however, drop to $50,384.11. For December 2024, the forecasted average of Bitcoin is nearly $68,845.74.
Potential ROI: 32.2%
January 2025: Bitcoin Price Forecast
In the middle of autumn 2024, the Bitcoin cost will be traded at the average level of $55,257.91. Crypto analysts expect that in January 2025, the BTC price might fluctuate between $53,261.18 and $57,254.63.
Potential ROI: -13.3%
BTC Price Forecast for February 2025
Market experts expect that in February 2025, the Bitcoin value will not drop below a minimum of $52,964.13. The maximum peak expected this month is $57,482.95. The estimated average trading value will be at the level of $55,223.54.
Potential ROI: -12.9%
Bitcoin Price Prediction 2025
After the analysis of the prices of Bitcoin in previous years, it is assumed that in 2025, the minimum price of Bitcoin will be around $118,755. The maximum expected BTC price may be around $142,086. On average, the trading price might be $122,185 in 2025.