Oh my, yesterday's profit was lost by 100,000 yuan, and the total profit of the account was 310,000 yuan as of this morning's closing.

It is still acceptable, much gentler than the correction in March and April. In March and April, the profit was adjusted from 1.4 million to no profit. In the past few days, the correction was only 700,000 to the current 310,000.

Obviously, this round of correction is much weaker than the correction in March and April.

This is the benefit of long-term investment. You can remain calm in the face of market fluctuations. The key is to outperform 80% of people in the market.

Looking back at those "big guys" who encouraged short-term trading, they allowed their fans to chase the rise in March and April. As a result, after a sharp correction, they asked others to cut their losses, saying that there would be a big drop. Then, in the past two weeks, the market suddenly rose rapidly, and they asked others to chase in again. As a result, they were trapped again in the past few days.

Let’s not talk about last year’s operations, but just take the two recent rounds of operations to look at the results. By short-term chasing ups and downs, the account balance is now getting less and less.

However, after we entered the market at the relative bottom and invested in high-quality currencies, although the account profit fluctuated back and forth, the account has been profitable overall from March to now.

Not only do we gain more than most people right now, but more importantly, we can also see future trends, how things will develop, and clearly know what we will gain next.

On the other hand, many people are becoming more and more confused after these two rounds of operations. Now they don’t know what to do. They want to enter the market but are afraid of further sharp drops. They are unwilling to not enter the market but are afraid of missing out. They don’t even know what to invest in. The coins they bought in these two rounds have not increased in value.

I face so many questions and doubts from people every day when I write articles, and it’s so touching.

When the market was experiencing the most severe correction in April, I warned on April 14 that the market had stopped falling, but no one believed me at the time. Analysts outside were saying that the market would fall further. My goodness, those people who scolded me were really mean.

How do most retail investors judge the market? They just stand in a line. The blockchain consensus mechanism is to believe whichever direction has the most say.

At that time, retail investors believed that the market would fall a lot, and then they saw me as an outlier and wanted to eliminate me.

Just like these few days, the market has pulled back due to sentiment after last week's non-farm data exceeded expectations, and then many people said there would be a big drop. Well, I said there would not be a big drop, and it would rise next. Oh my god, it starts again, the keyboard warriors are here again.

However, does the fact that non-farm data exceeds expectations mean that the market is going to fall sharply? Does it mean that the interest rate cut this year will be delayed?

Not necessarily. Just like retail investors reading articles, if they all say the market will fall, they will believe it.

Similarly, when such important data comes out, retail investors will definitely believe that this data is bearish.

However, what I want to tell you is that whether it is non-agricultural data or CPI, they will all be falsified, and the purpose is to confuse everyone's judgment.

It has been nearly a year since the Federal Reserve stopped raising interest rates, which says it all. It is impossible to raise interest rates, and stopping for a year means that interest rates will be lowered soon. This is the rule, whether you believe it or not, this is the rule.

Once the interest rate is cut, it will benefit the entire financial market, but the market will definitely not start to rise only after the interest rate is cut, because the main force is foresighted. By the time everyone knows that it is good news, it is already too late because the main force has laid an ambush in advance.

Non-agricultural data and CPI data are available every month and can change. They only compile some information that can help them release it at the moment to confuse investors.

The news last week was bad for the market, right? Then who knows, tonight's CPI and the interest rate meeting in the early morning may reveal good news, which will trigger a rise in the market again.

So no matter what the news is, it is not necessarily 100% reliable. Some news is absolutely useful, for example, if the Federal Reserve stops raising interest rates for a year, then it can be inferred that interest rates will be cut soon. ​

However, in this process, a lot of news that is not conducive to interest rate cuts will appear, and these news may not be true.

Therefore, discerning news is also a science. For example, we have professionals in the Qiqi District who will give in-depth explanations on the news to help everyone solve their doubts and let everyone know which news is related to us.

Filtering out the news is one aspect, and it is also necessary to combine it with the market, because news may be advanced or delayed. News helps us judge the macro trend. If we want to buy and sell, we also need to identify bottom-picking and top-selling signals through the market.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone not to think about a big drop all day long. A rebound in a bear market is for a better decline, and a pullback in a bull market is for a better rise to a new high.

If you are always affected by short-term market conditions, and if you cannot even distinguish the current bull and bear trends, it will be difficult to get good results in the next market conditions.

If you have been chasing the ups and downs, often being trapped, and have no latest news in the cryptocurrency circle and no direction, please follow me to check out the introduction. I will share the bull market strategy layout with my fans, just to increase my fans! #cpi #美联储降息 $BTC