From the 1h level, the morning market formed a fluctuating trend. From the structural point of view, the upward pressure was given to the first-line position near 67624. At present, the confrontation between the long army and the short army has formed a relatively subtle change. From the overall trend, we will not find it strange. The unilateral decline trend formed yesterday reached the bottom near 66000 in the early morning and rebounded and adjusted, so we decisively gave a bearish idea during the day.

Big cake idea: short near 67800, target 66000

Ether idea: short near 3530, target 3400$BTC $ETH #美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息? #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓