Current situation on the market:

With the data out of control last Friday, the expectation of interest rate cuts was postponed, and market panic was inevitable. In the stage where liquidity is already very scarce, a certain number of sell orders can create a pit, and vice versa!

Moreover, the pledge rate of cottages is very high, and a considerable proportion of cottage chip holders have made large pledge loans, which has led to the tragedy of chain liquidation in the cottage market when Waterloo began!

As for institutions, the average price of positions held by institutions at this stage is between 66,000 and 67,000 points. If it is not a special situation, killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred is meaningless at the moment.

So the core reason why the current market is so tragic is that the hype of market pessimism has led to retail investors taking the lead in cutting their losses, which indirectly led to the decline of some currencies, and then led to chain liquidations in the lending market.