How many times do you want to earn in this round of cryptocurrency bull market? How to configure positions?

We often see topics like how to earn 10 million in the cryptocurrency circle. How much you earn is actually mainly related to the size of your capital. If someone tells you that you can earn tens of millions with a contract and you are willing to believe it, then you are not far from zero. How much you earn with spot trading is closely related to the capital, so we cannot control how much money we earn, but we can roughly grasp how many times we earn.

Recently, I have been sorting out some currencies that I am familiar with in the cryptocurrency circle. I am also studying new currencies that I am not familiar with. I want to give different positions to brothers with different funds. The currencies are not scattered. I suggest everyone:

Within 100,000 RMB, 1-2 coins

Within 300,000 RMB, 2-4 coins

Within 500,000 RMB, 2-5 coins

Within 1 million RMB, 3-6 coins

Within 3 million RMB, 5-8 coins

Within 5 million RMB, 6-10 coins

Within 10 million RMB, 7-13 coins

If you are interested in the cryptocurrency circle, but don’t know how to start, you might as well pay attention to my introduction and find me, arrange 100 times the coins together and discuss the mysteries of the cryptocurrency circle and future possibilities with me.

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