With 42% of the global Bitcoin computing power, the former Bitcoin mining tyrant mysteriously disappeared

It is said that Fried Cat had 17,630 Bitcoins at that time, which is now worth about 8.1 billion yuan

In 2012, when Bitcoin was still unknown in China, he had already opened up new territory in the field of virtual currency.

In 2013, he took a roller coaster ride with his faith and strength, bringing himself and many people huge wealth and passionate shouts and exclamations.

But at the end of 2014, he disappeared strangely without leaving a single word. His disappearance was full of doubts and was called "one of the top ten unsolved mysteries in the currency circle" by people in the circle.

The disappearance of Fried Cat has caused a lot of discussion in the currency circle. Everyone is asking, where did Fried Cat go? Many people tried to find him, but in the end there was no result.

People look for Fried Cat not only for money, but more for regret. If Fried Cat is still there, he will have more groundbreaking achievements and continue to lead people in the currency circle to experience unimagined possibilities.

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