The big pie is stuck, and all kinds of bearish sediments have resurfaced. ETF funds have begun to flow out, and once the US interest rate hikes, the plunge will begin. It's pure bullshit!

Anyone who is not blind can see that the US Ethereum spot ETF will be officially launched soon, which means that a huge wave of funds will soon flow into the currency market. Now it is just the same as before the Bitcoin spot ETF is launched. It is necessary to kill the longs and clear the leverage in the end, and is unwilling to carry the sedan chair for retail investors. Finally, try to suppress the liquidation, cut some losses, and try to make the car lighter before starting to pull the market! At this time, if you stop loss, cut losses, and get off the car, you can only say that you are not suitable for currency speculation. Hurry up and go home to work honestly!



In addition, I will teach you another trick:

Click on the yellow currency symbol in the post (for example, $BNB ) to buy and sell spot directly, and click on the rectangular currency price chart below the yellow currency symbol or at the end of the article to trade contracts directly. You can try it, it is really convenient.