Many of you cried for help:

The coin you bought and made a profit of a few tens of percent didn't sell it. What should you do now that it's about to enter?

Think back to the day you first pressed the buy button. What thoughts did you have at that time?

At that time, did you buy to trade or hold?

What is your goal?

When you buy, how much do you expect to lose?

When you bought it, did you still have DCA money?

If you care about fluctuations of 20-30%, why don't you sell when it's 25% profitable?

There are so many considerations that before you press the button to buy any coin, you have to think through it all. Ok then click the buy button. Now it returns to entry just like that as originally planned.

When you buy, you buy in a hurry, without thinking through the above issues. I think you should sell the entry, but when it's negative you panic.

When you are most alert, carefully consider the possibilities, so that when you get into battle, you can calmly accept them. The more you panic, the more you lose.$MAV