Opportunity to buy $ENA at 70% off! ? 😲

Have you really understood the airdrop rules of Ethena Season2? Combined with Pendle's leveraged gameplay, you can get nearly 90% of the profit in just 45 days!

Below is the profit breakdown and operation steps of this "sUSDe YT Ultimate Arbitrage Strategy"🧵

Participation address: app.ethena.fi/join/6oog2

Invitation code: 6oog2


1/ Ethena activity rules

- 20 Sats for each sUSDe YT held

- The underlying APY of the sUSDe due on 07.25 is 23.82%. Since it is compounded weekly, the APR can be deduced to be 21.41%, and the daily yield is 5.86 per 10,000

In short: Daily income from buying 1 sUSDe YT = Daily income from staking 1 sUSDe + 20 Sats

2/ Profit breakdown

We can break down YT income through a simple example: Suppose you bought 10,000 sUSDe YT due on 07.25 (currently worth 439 USD), and will receive two parts of income after maturity👇

1️⃣ Staking income: 10000*0.000586*45 = 263.7 USD

2️⃣ Point income: 10000*20*45 = 9,000,000 Sats