For altcoins, I prefer newer coins. Not only this season, but in the previous cycle, I also chose $DOT, $AVAX, $SAND.... to hold, not $LTC, $XRP or $ADA

Of course, old coins can still grow, even grow strongly. As for me choosing a new coin, it is mainly based on 2 factors:

- Tastes and preferences.

- Coins launched during downtrend and pre-uptrend (new coins) often have high push and survival rates.

Going a little deeper, what characteristics does the new coin have?

- New coins often follow the market development trend. To put it simply, new projects are massively building infrastructure according to new trends, while most old coins are outdated platforms.

- New coins are often lighter than old coins because the house only needs to collect the coins distributed to the market through reward programs, airdrops... to be able to control most of the supply. While old coins are very difficult to collect, the only way is to bury them to get rid of weak hands, but this method takes a lot of time and money, so many dev teams are ready for the project to die.

- Finally, 60 - 70% of coins in the top 100 are usually newly launched coins during a downtrend or pre-uptrend. A large number of coins in the old top 100 are all out of the top or dead in the new season.

So anyone who is not good at pkt, onchain pt or research should prioritize new products with nice tokenomics to play with.#altcoin#crypto #dungdudinh