A new era in global chess

On the vast chessboard of the world, the smoke of war has never dissipated. Economic prosperity and rapid technological development are like double-edged swords, bringing both hope and challenges. And capitalists, like shrewd chess players, are good at using external contradictions and conflicts to resolve internal economic difficulties.

Looking back at the long river of history, in the late 1980s, the United States and the former Soviet Union shifted the focus of the game to the vast space due to the shadow of nuclear deterrence. The former Soviet Union's space station became a glorious symbol of its space race, while the United States chose Internet technology as its weapon of counterattack. The United States invested a lot of "invisible capital" and went through countless research and development, experiments and applications, and finally took the lead in the Internet field.

With the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, this strategy of the United States has achieved remarkable results. After the expiration of the confidentiality agreement, Internet technology and its achievements quickly became popular among the people, giving birth to a number of technology giants, such as Bill Gates' Microsoft and Jack Ma's Alibaba, who have all achieved great success in this wave.

Today, the global chess game has entered a new era. Facing new challengers, the United States has begun to re-position itself. The birth of the euro did not achieve the unification of Europe as expected, but instead gave some forces an opportunity to divide. In order to safeguard its own interests, the United States began to strategically intervene in European affairs, especially the situation in Ukraine. All of this is part of the new era of global game.

In this era full of uncertainties, both sides of the game are seeking new strategic high ground. Whoever can take the initiative in this process will be able to occupy a more advantageous position on the global stage in the future.

Behind the Euro rate cut

Many people believe that the eurozone's interest rate cut is to prevent the eurozone from being harvested by the United States. This view is reasonable, but not entirely true. After the interest rate cut, if the eurozone can effectively control capital outflows, then this move is undoubtedly an effective means of defense. However, if it cannot be effectively defended, the interest rate cut may accelerate capital outflows. After all, under the temptation of interest rate differentials, currencies such as the US dollar and the Japanese yen have a certain appeal.

At the same time, what is the United States doing? The abnormal rise in employment data has reduced the recent optimistic expectations of interest rate cuts in the United States. The US dollar index once hit a high level. Although US debt has fallen in the short term, it still remains at a high level overall. All this shows that the strong expectations of the US economy have a strong appeal to global capital. In this context, whoever cuts interest rates may face the pressure of capital outflow.

The rise of AI and global capital flows

When we talk about AI, many people may think that it is just the advancement of technology. However, from a deeper level, the rise of AI is inextricably linked to the flow of global capital. Just as the rise of the Internet in the early 1990s led to the flow of global capital, AI technology has now become a hot spot for global capital.

The birthplace of AI technology is the United States, and the wealth-creating effect and technological innovation are also mainly concentrated in the United States. This has led to a surge in global capital to the United States, seeking investment opportunities in the field of AI. In this context, governments around the world have been promoting AI technology, not only to pursue technological leadership, but also to prevent capital outflows. After all, in today's globalized world, it is impossible for a country to completely close its economic system. Therefore, discovering and pursuing hot technologies, even if the means are not so elegant, is an effective way to prevent capital outflows.

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