Trade or investment?

Why are transactions made in the crypto market called "trading" but "investment" in the stock market?

The answer is simple: You buy and sell in the crypto market (except BTC). Because the volatility is very high in the leveraged system, while promising you a huge profit, there is the potential to get that profit back at the same speed.

Yes, many of them follow a certain formation, but even if there are 50%-100% price deviations in a volatile formation, there are cases where the formation does not break.

BONK: It went below the supply price, remained at that level for a long time, rose above the supply price, now it has fallen back to places close to the supply price. Areas for investment purposes are waiting for the supply price, people who buy and sell have already gained 3X, 5X, 10X, even if it is on the spot side.

BONK will make 100X. Is there such a contract? Who guaranteed this to you? What is his responsibility when saying this? When we open a new transaction, do we receive a message saying "Congratulations; welcome to the world of BONK that will make 100X"?

Determine a life line starting from a few candles formed after the initial offering price, send a beam and its price will grow forever. Let me tell you, "Do not sell BONK, its price will be infinite."

Friends; You are investing your own and your family's savings here.. For what? One clown coin. You never know when or what life will bring to you. When you need money urgently due to health, education or legal situation, and your savings have decreased by 50%-80%, will you say "wait, wait, it will increase 100X"?

My aim is not to discourage your trading enthusiasm, the point that makes me angry is that the capital has decreased significantly at the moment and I can imagine the anxiety of people who may decrease even more.

When crypto comes to important resistances (for example, channel upper band resistance), you have to agree to take your money and step aside. If it rises above it, you set a stop below it and enter again, or if it falls to a significant downward support, you buy again.By setting a stop. Be sure to know how to stop.