Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon

There is a famous saying: "If you think about what to do in the next year, you will immediately think of many competitors. However, if you think about what to do in three years, you will find that you have fewer competitors. If you think about what you should do in 5, 7, or even 10 years, you can't remember who your competitors are. People tend to overestimate achievements made in 3-5 years and underestimate achievements made in 10-30 years."

A good business manager always looks at the long-term, pays attention to the future of the company, and determines the layout based on the final outcome, rather than the gains and losses of the moment or one place. Don't be obsessed with tactics, and don't use tactical diligence to cover up strategic laziness.

Enterprises should use strategy to guide tactics, rather than tactics to restrain strategy. Because tactics are aimed at the present, and strategy faces the future. Enterprises cannot only live in the present, but must face the future.

Short-sightedness will lead to long-term pain. Short-sightedness in corporate strategy will definitely lead to short-term behavior of quick success and quick profit. Too much emphasis on short-term gains and losses will damage the long-term interests of the company.

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