Advice for cryptocurrency practitioners

1. Keep your cryptocurrency investment confidential, for reasons that everyone knows

2. Do not show your cryptocurrency profits to others to avoid unnecessary trouble.

3. Do not show off your wealth and life on social media, as it is easy to cause jealousy from others. Make a fortune in silence!

4. After gaining a large amount of wealth, stay away from your original social circle and focus on your own life.

5. Stay away from bad habits such as gambling and drugs, which will harm your physical and mental health.

6. Maintain a good social style and stay away from those who consume your time and energy.

8. Do not blindly invest in areas that you are not familiar with, and be cautious. People cannot make money beyond their cognition!

9. It is not recommended to engage in physical entrepreneurship unless it is out of interest. The current environment of the physical industry can be described as more difficult than climbing to the sky!