#Mavia , it is super grate opportunity to buy #mavia right now. just like before we made good money with small ammount of our capital in small caps, now I am recommending you to buy #mavia .

reasoning - this coin is still not completely on exchanges meaning once it does it is expected for it to bounce higher

- it is really cheap right now anywhere between 1.5-3 is it's very bottom

-good gaming project

strategy - I have been dcaing into the project as long as it has been under 3. you might as well simply buy it right now with small ammount of capital like 1000/usdt sell at price of 95/usdt per coin or what ever feels comfortable to you. that would be around 40k-50k/usdt. 40x return. You can also sell your original investment once it hits 9/usdt again, giving you an opportunity to reinvest your capital in an other project while letting your profits ride the bull.

Very realistic expectations, very good opportunity to actually make good returns, everything seems to be going real smooth as of today, invest on your own risk. Best of luck! 🍀