If you work very hard and keep an eye on the market every day without writing anything, then the problem is more likely to be your own and not the market. The market has been the same for hundreds of years. Although there are some minor changes, the overall style remains unchanged.

Veteran traders have simply changed their behavior patterns. For example: the public likes to hold on, and you must be able to be strict; the public likes to be safe, and you must hold firmly; the public is not good at waiting, and you must be good at waiting for those almost certain opportunities. ...If you have rich experience, you will find that as long as you go against the public, even if the accuracy of your judgment is not high, you will still be successful in the long run. It's just that it's very difficult to do this.

Prediction and complete classification are two different kinds of thinking. We must give up the former, otherwise we will always be worried about gains and losses. The thinking of forecasting is to collect a lot of information, do a lot of analysis, read a lot of news, and come to a bullish or bearish conclusion. The idea of ​​​​complete classification is: what should I do if the price rises, and what should I do if the price falls (this is a simple example, in practice, more detailed classification can be made).

I like this passage very much: The simplest way in the market is to find any basis (any moving average will do), be stubborn, light on your position, and do it in a disciplined way, and you will definitely gain something. There have been countless times in history that many masters have been successful like this. They don't care about fundamentals and only know a little bit about technical analysis. But they can still make money from the smart people who analyze and research every day. The reason is simple. They are not interested in why the market rises or falls. They just use their own rules to cut the cake in the market.

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