As expected, during the #高考 period every year, we can see the same "warm" news: the enthusiastic masses return the lost ID card and admission ticket, the police escort the late and wrong examination room, and some people forget to write their names...

What is this so-called warmth promoting? ...

Although a few papers cannot determine your life, the essence of the college entrance examination is also a kind of screening. Such an important exam should be properly prepared. If you are not prepared, not careful, and have poor psychological quality, this is just a group of people who are eliminated to some extent.

If you ask me, don't take this kind of exam. Once you enter the examination room, 0 can be written as 6, and cos90° can also be seen as csgo.

Mistakes that can be avoided by simple preparation and time management can only be said to be really not paying enough attention to the fairest exam in life and the first opportunity to change your destiny.

Now the whole society can give you a green light for the college entrance examination. After entering the society and working, no one will help you unconditionally, and you have to bear all the responsibilities yourself.

If you lose important company information, even if you find it back later, will the leader dare to reuse you?

The copy-paste address is missing one digit, and the 10,000 #BTC☀ in the address are all hit into the black hole. Will anyone compensate you for your loss?

In the future, if you are late for delivery and get a bad review, can you still ask the police to take you there?

This exam is not the finish line, but just the starting gun.

The real gap in life often quietly opens up after the college entrance examination. But the gap sometimes depends not only on your family background, academic qualifications, and help from noble people, but more often on you as a person.

Whether it is life or investment, if you are muddle-headed and lack a serious attitude, your life will eventually fail miserably!

I hope everyone can encourage each other!