Daily Quotes (21:00, June 6, 2024)

ChainDD's market data on June 6 shows that the combined DD index and CoinMarketCap quotes are:

BTC was at $71,257.54, up about 0.64% in 24 hours;

ETH was at $3,841.09, up about 1.16% in 24 hours;

BNB was at $714.92, up about 1.88% in 24 hours;

DOGE was at $0.1634, up about 0.60% in 24 hours;

DOT was trading at $6.95, up about 0.35% in 24 hours.

Chain Circle Dynamics

BNB Chain: BSC mainnet Haber hard fork will be carried out on June 20

BNB Chain posted on the X platform that it will conduct a BSC mainnet Haber hard fork at 14:05 on June 20. Validators and node operators need to upgrade to the latest version before the hard fork.

Coinbase Launches H-Index to Track More Accurate Blockchain Adoption

Coinbase has launched a new metric for blockchain analytics: the H-index, a new tool that aims to provide a more accurate measure of blockchain network health by focusing on true user engagement.

Traditional metrics such as daily transaction volume are easily interfered by Sybil attacks or airdrop activities, which distort true user activity. The H-index addresses this by considering both the number of addresses and the diversity of senders.

However, the H-index is not perfect at present, and large wallets and different blockchain architectures may still distort the data.

Cryptocurrency News

io.net founder resigns as CEO of io.net, effective immediately

The founder of io.net said on the platform that he would resign as CEO of io.net, effective immediately. He also said that io.net has grown into one of the fastest growing decentralized AI companies in the world. After careful consideration, he decided to hand over the CEO position to Tory Green, which is in the best interests of the community and the project. At the same time, he emphasized that his resignation as CEO is to allow io.net to move forward without interference and focus on the company's development and success.

In addition, to express gratitude to the team, partners, and community, it will donate 1 million $IO of its own to io.net's GPU Internet Foundation to help develop the ecosystem.

Wintermute CEO: Ethereum leaders are caught in a “major conflict”

Wintermute CEO Evgeny Gaevoy said on the platform that if Ethereum fails in the future, it will not be because of technical deficiencies compared to competitors such as Solana. Instead, the core problem is the contradictions in Ethereum’s leadership.

Evgeny Gaevoy said that Ethereum leaders are trying to create a capitalist blockchain system while solving social problems, but this is inherently contradictory. Either build capitalism or plan socialism, but you can't have both.

Former Ripple director: Ripple should invest money instead of leaving it alone

Sean McBride, former director of Ripple, wrote on the X platform that Ripple should use the money to acquire some companies and invest instead of putting it on hold. Ripple should invest, build, and repeat the process.

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission’s “safety first” regulatory approach to virtual asset trading platforms is very valuable

Despite the recent withdrawals, the recent “deemed licensed” exchanges have sparked some optimism about the future of Hong Kong’s virtual asset market. Hong Kong Legislative Council member Darren Chiu recently wrote an article questioning the impact of exchange withdrawals on the development of Hong Kong’s Web3, but many industry insiders believe that the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission’s “safety first” regulatory approach to virtual asset trading platforms is valuable.

Alessio Quaglini, co-founder and CEO of Hex Trust, a Hong Kong cryptocurrency custody provider, said that it was natural for the virtual asset trading platform to withdraw its application because there was a need to balance the size of Hong Kong's retail market with high regulatory costs and the impact on its global business. If the goal is to position Hong Kong as a global hub, then a strict regulatory framework strategy is reasonable, but execution should be improved.

Jonathan Crompton, partner at RPC law firm in Hong Kong, said that the core principles of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission's regulation of cryptocurrencies emphasize investor protection and require virtual asset market participants to meet the same standards as traditional financial market participants. The exchange's withdrawal of its license application shows that the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission will not let the market go at all costs.