
TradingBeasts provides a positive prediction for the price of Ripple in 2024. Over the course of 2024, the average exchange rate of the XRP/USD pair will move in the range of $0.81-0.82. The annual cap is expected to reach $1.03 in December. The minimum price will not be less than $0.69. Due to the large difference between the maximum and minimum prices, the price will experience significant fluctuation throughout the year.

Wallet Investor puts forward a largely positive forecast for the future of XRP. He believes that by the end of the year, the price will reach $1. On the last day of 2024, the price could reach $1.04. The minimum price will not be less than $0.20 during the year.

Economic forecasting agency experts are optimistic about Ripple and expect it to rise in 2024. In April, the price of the coin will reach $0.59. The overall uptrend will see the coin price reach $0.80 by the end of the year. The minimum price will be $0.69. Here are the XRP price forecasts for the rest of the year.

It is also recommended to use the following tools:

Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator: Helps identify crossover signals, overbought, oversold, changes in location relative to the zero line, and divergence and convergence signals.

Exponential Moving Average (EMA): This indicator is useful for determining trend direction and trading on daily charts.