Hello Binancian.. How are you lately?
Of course it's still blooming... especially this week #BNB has reached the latest ATH, there must be a lot of profit already...
But don't rush to press the "sell" button just yet, because by holding BNB there are actually a lot of benefits that Binancians can get. We will discuss some of the advantages one by one.

Benefits of Holding BNB
1. Get *Profits* from passive income

By doing locked or flexible staking, Binancian will get passive income profits which will be distributed every day to your Earn wallet.

So, if Binancian is not a daily trader, try staking BNB via the Earn feature, while we wait for the Bullrun later. Instead of having the BNB idle and the units not increasing, it would be better if the BNB worked for us in adding its own units.

2. Can participate in *Megadrop*

Recently #Binance has added its newest feature, namely Megadrop. Binancians can stake locked BNB so they can participate in the Megadrop program. Don't forget to activate your WEB3 wallet because Megadrop is integrated between the locked staking feature and the WEB3 wallet.

3. Can participate in *Launchpool*

To participate in #Launchpool‬⁩ we also have to do staking or farming so we can produce the latest tokens from the Launchpool event.

This time we will focus on discussing the newest Launchpool from Binance, namely #IO.NET .

Io.Net is a decentralized AI computing and cloud platform. By combining GPU supply from underutilized sources. Io.Net creates a network that makes it possible for Machine Learning (ML) startups to access nearly unlimited computing power at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional clouds.

Io.Net was created with a mission to build a decentralized cloud computing network that can be accessed globally, providing affordable, flexible and permissionless access to computing capacity.

The IO token allows a holder to participate in the governance of the IO Grants DAO by proposing, voting, and implementing grant proposals that guide funding allocation and the Internet's strategic direction of the GPU's Foundation.

Now Binancian's task is to directly participate in Binance Launcpool and its newest token farming.