$BNB $BTC Is It Safe?

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If you’ve ever dabbled in crypto exchange, you’re very likely familiar with Binance. It’s the single largest crypto exchange platform on the planet that offers low fees and advanced trading tools. But even though Binance has a $9.3 billion trading volume in 2023, you might still be wondering if it’s a safe place to store and trade your cryptocurrency. That’s exactly what we’ll discuss in this guide.

Note that this guide is about Binance.US, or the version of Binance available in the United States (except a few select states like New York). There is also Binance.com, which is available outside of the U.S. But this article will only mention Binance.com if it is relevant to the U.S. version.

So, is Binance safe.

#Binance200M #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved $BNB #BTC