#NOT topic: NOT 1 Dollar.

I was recently challenged by some people who claimed that NOT will reach 1 dollar or more this year THIS YEAR 2024. This post is posted on 08.06.2024 15:24:00. If you see this post after that time you need to know that it is stolen from personal page and one cheater used chatgpt to generate similar content.

Attached, you can see the snapshot that the market capital of NOT now is 2.0 billion and current price of it is approximately 0.02. You can see also at the moment the market capital of BNB is 100 billion and ETH is 442 billion and Solana is 73 billion. In order for #NOT to grow to 1 dollar you need to multiply the current market capital by 50. 2 billions *50 = 100 billions. That means in this case #NOT will have market capital the same as BNB and almost 30% more than Solana. Do you think that this is logical to happen in 2024. My personal opinion is NO.

The reason why I don't believe it will reach 1 dollar is simple. Ask yourself does NOT has applications like Solana and BNB. The BNB and Solana have values because they allow many Defi and other applications to run their network. Tell me what does NOT offer? The answer is nothing. #writetoearn #Write2Earn!