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Replace the most secure and easy-to-use wallet at the moment and get the airdrop

GG has replaced Metamask with the rabbit wallet Rabby for a while. I have to say that it is much more useful than the unprogressive Metamask in terms of functions.

Today, I saw that the official Rabby said that the second season of points will be launched. I thought I should spend some time to popularize it to the community partners, so that more people can experience the fun of upgrading weapons that are indispensable every day, and get the future airdrops (Rabby rabbit wallet is from @DeBankDeFi. Debank and Rabby, which have raised tens of millions of dollars, are likely to issue coins in this cycle)

Talk about the advantages of my personal experience:

1. Authorization check

The most commonly used and popular function of debank used to be not to check the wallet balance, but to check and cancel the wallet authorization.

Now it is directly put into the rabbit wallet, and you can see which authorizations are currently at risk in your wallet address very intuitively and remind you to cancel them.

2. Simulate transactions to ensure safety

This function really helped me avoid problems several times. Before the transaction on the chain, he will simulate the transaction and see what risks there are. You can only continue if you click to ignore the risk.

3. Enable the transfer whitelist

Nowadays, dust poisoning and phishing are extremely frequent. By enabling the whitelist, you can only transfer to your pre-set wallet, which basically eliminates this type of fraud.

4. Wallet assets are clear at a glance

Rabby Wallet directly integrates the asset management function of debank, and you can see all the valuable assets on all chains at a glance. It’s so convenient.

To be honest, I rarely experience 100% matching of advertising slogans and results. At first I thought it was bragging, but after you try it once, you will find that the little fox really can’t go back. The degree of humanization directly crushes that thing on the ground.

The browser plug-in version is already very mature. It is very convenient to migrate from the little fox. It can be done in 3 minutes. There are also mobile and computer desktop versions. Go and try it.

Portal: withdrawal tips#Rabbywallet