Because the logic of making money in the cryptocurrency circle is legal robbery.

In the cryptocurrency world, you can earn 50,000, 100,000, 200,000, or even 1 million in one day. This kind of thing is real, and the probability is much higher than in other traditional markets.

For example, the beginning said: doge in 2021, TRB in 2023, and people in 2024.

Let's talk about this industry first. First of all, we must understand that we work not to make money, but to sell our labor. The salary is just a means to tempt you to work hard.

The ultimate goal is not to make you earn more money, but to make you pay more labor surplus value to create more value for the company. Never trade your health for money.

The purpose of your work is to have money to enjoy a better life, not to overdraw your life. However, human nature is irrational most of the time. Once you start to compare yourself with others, you will be unable to satisfy your greed. There are always people willing to gamble their lives under the temptation of interests.

What people pursue in life is a subjective feeling. In order to pursue the pleasure after all kinds of desires are satisfied, people will become obsessed with money, which is an exchange of class. Maybe they are willing to put aside class anxiety only when their lives are threatened. When they accept their own class, they can enjoy it appropriately.

But some people's lives have long been locked up by mortgages and car loans, and they dare not enjoy themselves. Working hard to make money is the only option. The vested interests who create the concept of class will create consumerism.

In order to live a better life, people have to work hard to make money, but in the end they can only become a stepping stone for others.

Some people say why not invest in stocks, why invest in cryptocurrencies?

The stock market is actually a good asset, for example, the U.S. stock market, but our A-shares are different. The A-shares are positioned for financing.

If you still don't understand, let's put it simply. There is a truth that has not changed for thousands of years, that is, if we want to see the future of something, we just need to check its history.

They are all called stock markets, but look at the U.S. stocks and A shares, there is a world of difference between them, right?

Let’s talk about knowledge and cognition: knowledge is a stepping stone, knowledge is a tool to make a fortune, and some knowledge is completely a natural cycle. As for what kind of knowledge we can access, it depends entirely on the level we live in.

Level = social class + experience + cultural level + what you see and hear + the environment you are in... The more you know, the more you will habitually make excuses for your failure.

The more rules you know, the more you will get used to cutting leeks. Living = the strong eat the weak. Harmonious coexistence = the strong unite + the weak fall apart.

Lacking a basic understanding of money and the ability to manage finances, they eventually fall into debt; or they don't care about money and only focus on the colorful things in love, and end up borrowing money from others and ending up with nothing.

The essence of these is actually a lack of awareness of the exchange of interests. When it is time to use your own money to exchange value, you dare not do so;

Knowing that there is no benefit but still lending money to others without letting others pay and exchange, you cannot get over the exchange concept of benefit and cannot accumulate any resources.

So how do you make big money in the cryptocurrency world?

The basic operation is very simple, which is to buy low and sell high. However, unfortunately, most people misunderstand it. They think that buying low and selling high means buying today and selling tomorrow, or buying this month and selling next month. In fact, this is completely wrong.

If you look at the US stock market, you will find that just like Chinese real estate, it would have been a mistake to sell at any time in the past. If we look at the monthly line, it has been rising for 20 years.

In fact, the truth of this society is different from what the lower classes think. The real big money is making money without working, taking advantage of loopholes in human desires, walking on the edge of the law, and ruthlessly exploiting other people's resources.

Only in this way can you accumulate great wealth. If you only rely on your own hard work, diligence, and basically the money you earn by luck, you will have to pay it back with your own strength.

That is to say, after you buy Bitcoin, you can just leave it there. We in the industry call it hoarding coins (unearned income in a narrow sense). If you buy and sell short-term contracts today, then the above sentence will come true. You will return all the earnings by luck with your own strength.

Of course you ask others how they make money?

He only said that making money is a cycle of information asymmetry, and it depends on hard work! How did he get his money? He said it, and his wealth disappeared! The real secret of getting rich cannot be told.

You said that it is a lost industrial chain. The truly enlightened people will go to the places where the street lights are not shining and look for the places where the street lights are not shining.

It is actually very easy to make money on Bitcoin. Basically anyone who is not greedy can make money. The price keeps going up and no one is disappointed.

Because it is easy to make money in this track, it will stimulate everyone's human nature, which is "greed". If you look at all those who don't make money, they are all because of "greed". They all want to make a lot of money in a short period of time, because they can't control their greed.

As long as you are not greedy, you will make money. In fact, in Bitcoin, as long as you break through two points, you can make money. One is the word "greed" just mentioned.

When it comes to making big money, you sweat and eat your own food, and feel at ease with your hard-earned money. Making money, especially making big money in the cryptocurrency circle, is all based on plunder (using the simplest trick of hoarding coins to deal with the smartest trick of short-term contracts).

Relying on your own labor time accumulation (frequent buying and selling), you can never make enough money! The essence of plunder is to completely abandon the idea that money from labor is the cleanest (just buy Bitcoin and lie flat.

Good assets do not require a lot of time to manage, and the annual appreciation is enough for you to spend, such as houses), eliminating the moral attachments wrapped around money.

Those who really make a lot of money are all considering how to make money within the legal scope. If it is illegal, how to make money at a low cost, and how to use low-cost things to exchange for high-value returns.

In today's society, there is nothing that cannot be solved by money (if you have currency, you have money). At the critical moment, money must pave the way. However, behind the money is a huge difference in values ​​​​(most people hope to find a 100-fold currency, and go further and further on the wrong path).

Everyone has a different attitude towards money and currency, which leads to different paths in life. When it comes to money, there is no right or wrong. The key is where money stands in your mind.

Each dimension has its own weapons (hoarding coins and short-term contract air coins are not in the same dimension at all). All robberies are legal and civilized.

What is dry goods? Maybe this is dry goods! Life is different from what we learned in the nine-year compulsory education. This is especially true in the cryptocurrency world.