2024/06/06 Summary of operations on the chain

1. Coockie3 received 3.3 million magnesium in financing the day before yesterday. There is only one week left in the airdrop event. You don’t have to participate in the whole process to get points. If you have interacted with relevant partners, you will also get points. Remember to check.


2. ionet is listed on Binance~ @Binance The new LaunchPad uses $BNB and $FDUSD to mine $IO, leaving it to the big players~


3. @Injective has a new mission in the galaxy and can get early bird grouping



After completion, you will receive the identity group:


4. Caldera’s fifth galactic OAT mission is out


Answer: GCEBE

But it’s so tiring to go to DC and get grouped and have to upgrade like crazy!

5. 0G_labs has a new galactic mission to accumulate points, remember to complete it


6. HookedProtocol has zksync related topics and you can accumulate points by completing them.



#空投 #交互 #airdrop #嚕毛