< Four Conspiracies in the Cryptocurrency Circle >

I have always believed that there is a person in the cryptocurrency circle who has designed various schemes based on human nature, taking advantage of human weaknesses such as greed, suspicion, and conceit. He has been setting up schemes to trap us, but we can only jump in obediently.

1. Extension of Favor

At first, there was only one $BTC in the cryptocurrency circle, and the funds entering the market were limited. It soared and plummeted every day. In order to deposit more funds and more people, $ETH, $LTC, $Doge, etc. were created, which dispersed the pressure on $BTC.

The emergence of DeFi, NFT, GameFi, and MeMe has brought $BTC and $ETH to new heights, allowing value coins to run on the chain. The front of the car is lighter, and the cake is getting bigger and bigger. The cryptocurrency ecosystem is formed under this set of conspiracy of extension of favor.

2. Encircle Wei to Save Zhao

$SOL has increased 26 times from 8u last year to 210u this year. First, by selling Solana mobile phones, it continuously airdropped memecoin to these mobile phone buyers until the Solana chain began to run out of $WIF, $BOME, $Slerf and other phenomenal gold dogs. There is no need to call $SOL , and the Solana ecosystem is focused on doing a good job. Finally, the miracle of 8u to 210u was created. Solana's conspiracy of encircling Wei to save Zhao formed a perfect closed loop.

Going back to last year, $BTC created two star coins, $ORDI and $SATS, through BRC20 ecological tokens and NFTs, and marched all the way to 50,000u. This year, through the rune ecology, foreigners also joined the game and brought $BTC to a historical high of 70,000u. This way of making a game of Wei Wei to save Zhao is countless in the currency circle. The second place for thousands of years, $ETH, is a middle and high player. It has made itself the king of ten thousand chains by repeatedly making Wei Wei to save Zhao.

3. Two peaches harm three warriors

Have you heard of various super BTC and Ethereum killers? A pair of invisible big hands first made the two peaches of $BTC and $ETH bigger, and let institutions copy this success. The final result is undoubtedly a failure. The most typical example of using institutions to attract off-site funds is $EOS .

In 2018, EOS came out of nowhere, and the initial coin offering (ICO) raised a record $4.1 billion. EOS ranked among the top five cryptocurrencies and vowed to be an Ethereum killer. However, four years have passed, and the public chain window period has come again, but EOS is not there. Compared with six years ago, EOS's influence has been forgotten by everyone.

4. Using the emperor to control the princes

I really can't come up with this, I'll update it next time I think of it...