Bitcoin is still 2,300 dollars away, Ethereum is still 250 dollars away, standing at a historical height, BNB has just hit a new high of 722, thanks to CZ, I have held the position for half a year

There is really not much time left for you, the main uptrend is coming, you can only sigh, why didn’t you have the courage to enter the market at the beginning, don’t know what to hold, it’s very simple, just pick the leaders of major sectors, such as BNB, SOL, UNI, etc. If you don’t like them, click my avatar

LIT, let the entry price be 1.01~1.03, the lowest is 1.043, it’s a pity that I didn’t receive it, otherwise it would be more than 20%. Every time I recall the failure, it is to encourage myself to find the best entry point more deeply, worthy of myself, worthy of the whale area!

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来?