Is it true that high leverage with small capital is a dead end? I have been playing this way for almost a month, taking 5 to 10u 125x to play big pie, and for several weeks in a row, I first enjoyed the sweetness and then suffered a few blows. To be honest, for a student like me, a loss of more than ten or twentyu is still very painful, but maybe because of the hundreds or thousands of losses before, this kind of small play always makes me feel distressed😂. I numbly watch my living expenses getting less and less, but I am unmoved, and I am completely addicted to it😮‍💨. I always want to win more when I win, and I leave the market hastily when the profit is withdrawn. When I lose, I always think about holding on and not falling before dawn. I still have the gambler's mentality as before, but compared with a month ago, I have grown a little. I will not blindly enter the market as I did before, and always place limit orders, not afraid of missing out. This has indeed helped me avoid a lot of losses, but I know that this is far from the stable profit I want to achieve. I still have to keep exploring. I hope that everyone can find a trading method that suits them. I also hope that you can give me some suggestions, and I will seriously consider them.