Decentralized governance infrastructure, Dora Factory successfully completed the deployment of a million-scale Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure (MACI) voting contract on the Dora Vota blockchain and initiated the second round of the AEZ Quadratic Grant.

This round is supported by an 8,000 ATOM and 20,000 USDC grant funding pool, offered by Cosmos Hub and ATOM Accelerator (AADAO) from Cosmos Prop#917. The submission period for grant proposals is currently underway and will continue until July 3rd.

MACI is a private, on-chain voting system. It is engineered to offer secure voting solutions, utilizing zero-knowledge proofs to enact a receipt-free voting scheme. This design ensures that only the vote coordinator can verify how a particular user voted, preserving the anonymity and integrity of the voting process.

This MACI vote will distribute a portion of the AEZ quadratic funding allocated by AADAO, with 1.05 million staking addresses on CosmosHub being included in the whitelist for this extensive MACI voting round. Dora Factory has already distributed Dora Vota network fees to 1.04 million addresses holding ATOM delegations on the CosmosHub, while the supplementary fees associated with MACI contract interactions will be managed by the MACI fee gas station.

We have completed a Dora Vota gas fee airdrop to approximately 1.04 million addresses that have ATOM delegations on the @cosmoshub. This airdrop will enable all CosmosHub delegator addresses to use Dora Vota for AEZ quadratic governance, MACI voting, send/IBC, and other purposes.

— Dora Factory (@DoraFactory) June 5, 2024

This MACI voting round represents the initial trial of large-scale on-chain privacy governance technology undertaken by Dora Factory in collaboration with the cryptocurrency community.

CosmosHub Approved $1M Funding For Dora Factory And DoraHacks AEZ Quadratic Projects

Earlier, CosmosHub approved the historic governance proposal Cosmos Prop#917, dedicating $1 million to support Dora Factory and DoraHacks AEZ quadratic funding projects. This initiative aims to support public good projects in their early stages and open-source ventures within the ATOM Economic Zone over the upcoming two-year period.

Dora Factory serves as digital infrastructure, generating protocols, tools, and public good frameworks to support the growth of open-source communities and pioneering technology developers.

In the initial round of the AEZ Quadratic Grant, a total of eight public goods projects received funding. These projects will continue to receive funding until their development ceases or they secure significant additional funding.

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