All powerful people have one thing in common, he must be a long-termist who is steady and steady. He does not take shortcuts, he is not an opportunist, he does not seek to decide the outcome of a battle, but takes every step carefully, and makes every step right.

Remember that slow is fast. As long as you choose the right direction, use time as leverage, find a slight advantage, and constantly cycle and superimpose, you will eventually win. This is the only logic of success.

Good chess players have no magic moves throughout the game. Those who really know how to play chess often do not have any magical moves throughout the game. Instead, they play steadily and steadily. Such people are usually the final winners.

A true master is to be a stupid and steady person, do things that seem stupid but very stable, seize small advantages, and finally accumulate small victories into big ones.

The greatest sorrow of middle-aged people is not that you have no money, but that you should have been very rich. One day, you suddenly found that the people around you who are better than you are actually working harder than you. Only then did you realize the crisis, so you began to worry and start looking for a way out.

In this impetuous age, we all need success too much, too eager for success, and too much need for opportunities to rise. Many people seem to want to get a martial arts secret book, invincible in the world, but they are charged IQ tax by others.

There are only two kinds of people in this world who are most likely to be deceived, one is the one who is too greedy, and the other is the one who is anxious to succeed. On the road to success, people ignore the very important element of time.

People who have been mediocre all their lives are basically people who want to get rich in a short time. But I tell you, only the competitiveness that has been precipitated by time is not easily surpassed by others. Those successful people know how to use time to hone their competitiveness.

If you live at the bottom today and are so poor that you can't even make ends meet, don't ask others how to turn things around quickly. Asking such ignorant questions determines that you have no future. Remember the element of time. It takes ten years to sharpen a sword. You can use time to polish your content, your health, your brain, and your temperament. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #StartInvestingInCrypto #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #MegadropLista #山寨季何时到来?