ZKL token launched on Bitget's pre-market on May 23. The latest OTC price of ZKL token is 1.37 USDT, up to 800% compared to the original price. The best ask price of this token is 1.3 USDT and the best bid price is 1.02 USDT.

ZKL token has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens. On Whales Pro, ZKL is trading at 0.96 USD. Total trading volume reached 50,284.8 USD. According to data from Whales Market, the average bid price is 0.8952 USD and the average ask price is 1.81 USD.

The OTC price of ZKL token is highly appreciated by the community, in line with crypto market trends. Some analysts predict that the official listing price of the token will range from 1 USD to 2 USD and will fluctuate strongly in the first 24 hours.

The prevailing pre-market price of the ZKL token is much higher than the opening price on CoinList in January of 0.15 USD. This is believed by many experienced investors to be due to the airdrop program, combining ZkLink and the Binance Web3 wallet with a reward of one million tokens.

The platform will announce the winner of the FoxyLinea contest and award the Mystery Box reward at 5:00 p.m. on May 24. Those who report system errors or personal account security holes will receive attractive rewards until May 27. The above two events contributed greatly to the price growth of ZKL tokens in the pre-market market.

The grant program promotes innovation and development in the ecosystem by providing financial support to developers leveraging ZkLink's technology. This is one of the factors that helps the project create trust in the community with a commitment to long-term development.

In early April, ZkLink said it was possible to reduce transaction costs on Ethereum to the lowest level and expand the scale of the network. In particular, the project has the potential to address liquidity fragmentation on Ethereum. Customers on the DEX can enjoy more favorable prices and less volatility. The project launched a ZKL 20,000,000 funding program to support developers building on ZkLink in March.

ZkLink is the first decentralized exchange (DEX) to integrate multiple blockchains based on ZK-Rollup technology. The platform supports blockchains such as Ethereum, BNB chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Solana, Arbitrum, Optimism.

