"N Basic Vocabulary Popularization Tables for Web3 Beginners"

Primary Guide to the 4 Major Currencies in the Current Market

$BTC : Cryptocurrency Market Leader, Buy Bitcoin When You Don't Know What Currency to Buy

$ETH : Cryptocurrency Ecosystem Market Leader, When You Have the Concept of Value Currency and Don't Know What Currency to Buy, Buy ETH

SOL: When You Have the Concept of Value Currency and Think ETH is a Bit Garbage and Has No Future, Buy SOL

$BNB :The leader of crypto trading platforms. When you want to buy platform coins but don’t understand their operating mechanism and history, buy BNB

Blockchain: A decentralized ledger that records transactions. It is decentralized because it is run by individual nodes

>Block: A page in the ledger

>Block height: ledger page number

White paper: A detailed introduction to the business of the project, including the background of its establishment and technical vision, etc. The team will be introduced occasionally, but unless it is a real big shot or a project where Chinese people find foreigners to support it, it will generally not be introduced in detail

Whitelist: Chips released in the early stage of the project can also be understood as an early option of the project. Chips can be obtained at a lower price. The whitelist is also divided into free exchange (Mint) and paid exchange (Mint). It is not that free exchange is not valuable, nor is it that paid exchange is necessarily valuable. Be sure to be wary of whitelist scams

Mint: It means [exchange] as mentioned in the previous article, and it also means [casting]. It is generally used NFT scenarios

NFT: small pictures that can be exchanged for money

Telegram: the software Telegram

CEX/DEX: centralized exchanges, the corresponding is decentralized exchanges (DEX). The difference between the two is whether the controlling entity is decentralized, and the more essential market difference is the information gap. Since centralized exchanges are operated by entities, the information they spread, such as listing events, will be more widespread

FOMO: the emotion caused by the fear of missing out on the market

FUD: the spread of negative news, and usually unconfirmed news

"4": Ignore FUD, from a tweet by CZ, the original text roughly means "Ignore FUD"

GAS: on-chain handling fee

CX: abbreviation for pyramid schemes

Degen: can be simply understood as speculators, on-chain gamblers

DYOR: do your research, which is also a disclaimer, commonly seen in KOLs, analysts and various celebrities

Adding positions: Continue to buy on the basis of the original target

Unwinding: Returning the capital

Value capture: How much habit does this project have with its tokens

Gamefi: Use tokens and implant economic systems in game scenarios to make gamers gamblers and speculators

KYC: Real-name authentication

Investment research: This term is a broad term in Web3. Usually, as long as a certain project is mentioned, it can be called >Investment research<

Oracle: There are not enough information channels in the industry itself, and it is necessary to call on traditional Internet data resources. Oracles do this

A pattern: Continue to take it when it is profitable

Get stuck: Continue to take it when losing money

MEME: Simply put, it is a token created at random. The main feature is generally that it will be active and fully circulated when it goes online. It can also be understood as a local dog

Cold wallet: A wallet on the chain that is stored in an environment without an Internet connection

Hot wallet: A wallet on the chain that stores private keys/mnemonics when connected to the Internet

Mnemonics: A group of words that help you remember private keys

Private key: Similar to your bank card password

Public key: Direct Directly understood as a wallet address

Impermanent loss: Simply put, after depositing coins in a pool, the price rises, and the price falls at the moment of withdrawal, but the shares have been withdrawn, and the actual holding value is much lower than before withdrawal

Primary market: In the early stage of the project, the chips are not circulated, and the stage mainly intervened by investment institutions

1.5-level market: In the early stage of the project, the centralized exchange has not been logged in, but the chips have been circulated on the chain, and the stage mainly intervened by active users on the chain

Secondary market: The stage of entering the centralized exchange

Liquidity: Broadly understood, it is in The ability of a certain target to realize liquidity without affecting the market price

Liquidity mining: the act of obtaining fees or profit sharing by providing funds to help a certain target achieve high liquidity

DAO: a distributed organization, which can also be understood as a community that operates with certain rules and organizational structures

OTC: over-the-counter transactions, that is, transactions completed outside the trading platform

OG: means "elder" or "earliest"

Pixiu: a coin that can be bought but not sold

Left-side trading: guess the bottom/top of the market and make a reversal

Right side trading: guess the market trend may continue, and follow the trend