【Web3 Daily News Preview】

1. Bitcoin spot ETF net inflow

Net inflow on May 3: +333 million

2. BTC, ETH 24-hour support and pressure levels

BTC - support level: 66228.76; pressure level: 73764.7

ETH - support level: 3079.53; pressure level: 3317.53

3. BTC 24-hour long-short ratio

Long: 49.96%; Short: 50.04%

4. Daily hot spot summary

· Upbit has announced the launch of Taiko. The trading start date has not yet been determined.

· Wormhole co-founder @RobinsonBurkey hinted that the staking function will be released.

· Nvidia has surpassed Apple to become the second largest company by market value, affecting the development momentum of the encrypted AI field. $WLD $AI