BTC price action

Positive trend update:

BTC about to close above 71.446.

Considering this, and a potential of another bullish candle tomorrow (it has to close tomorrow above 71.446 as well), the way to closing above the all time high is open and I am pretty optimistic.

Will post again as soon as ATH is taken and verified by other two candles - This would mean a bull up to approximately 100k and a significant ALTS as ETH and SOL growth, which I’m looking for for everybody. Profits for all of us are lovely 🎉

Goooooo BTC and cheers crypto pioneers!đŸ‘đŸ»


No financial advice. Subjective as_sessments and as_sumptions (intentionally garbled as the algorithm would block me otherwise 🙈 - hate this dmubsas). DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and

Follow for further insights
