What is the most unacceptable thing to do in the cryptocurrency circle?

I see that most people mentioned that they should not touch contracts, hold orders, or go to local exchanges.

To be honest, I agree with these.

But if you add the word "most" in front, I would say, don't go to the wild chicken platform.

Yes, it is the kind of platform that attracts you with so-called ultra-low handling fees. In order to magnify your greed, it allows contract positions to be up to thousands of times. Similarly, for the safety of your account, it is not allowed to operate wild chicken exchanges that withdraw money.

Haha, other things like opening contracts, holding orders, and going to local exchanges. Although such operations are accompanied by extremely high risks, they are not fatal. As long as you manage your positions well and learn to stop profits and stop losses, you will not be beaten back to your original form all at once.

Besides, although the risk is high, the return is also high. At least you have the possibility of making money. Most people are just going for it. What if you make money? What if it's me? Then you can withdraw money to improve your life.

Although there is a high probability of loss, it may also be a huge loss.

But at least you are convinced and willing to admit defeat.

You are going to a fake platform:

From the moment you enter, you are a lamb to be slaughtered. The platform is no longer a so-called matching service, but an open market maker. Your account will remain normal even if it is losing money. Once you withdraw profits, the platform's security risk control will be triggered in minutes.

Then, you will face endless rights protection and exhaustion.

This is a hundred times more painful than losses or even liquidation.

I believe everyone has real cases around them.

Which of the above experiences do you think is more uncomfortable for you?

Is it a normal loss in the market, or being scammed by the platform?