Author: Nairolf, crypto researcher; Translation: Golden Finance xiaozou

What is Lagrange ZK Prover? This article explains it in a very simple way so that you can understand it at a glance.

Lagrange's Prover Network is the crypto industry's first production-ready ZK Prover network. ZK Prover is the component responsible for creating computational proofs. You all should already know what ZK proofs are, and every ZK application requires someone to generate computational proofs.

“Who generates the computational proof?”

The answer is prover, a program that is specifically designed to create ZK proofs. You can think of prover as a baker who specializes in making strawberry cakes. As far as prover is concerned, it is specifically designed to generate ZK proofs.

“You mentioned the prover network.”

Exactly. Lagrange provides a decentralized prover network, or a prover group of multiple provers, if you prefer. Any application can use the prover network to generate proofs. To achieve this, Lagrange leverages EigenLayer restaking and gateways.

"Wait a mininute……"

With EigenLayer, the Lagrange ZK Prover network will have the same level of security as Ethereum. Simply put, anyone who wants to generate a proof must commit to completing the proof generation correctly and quickly, otherwise they will lose a portion of their re-staked ETH.

"So they are provers?"

Exactly. The provers who generate the proofs are the operators of EigenLayer. They generate the proofs for rewards and they pay to guarantee that they will do the job correctly. Not hard at all.

"So what is a gateway?"

You can think of a gateway as a manager at McDonald's. They take orders from customers and submit them to the kitchen. Similarly, a gateway takes requests to generate proofs, organizes them into tasks, and distributes them to provers.

"Then what?"

Once the order is ready, the manager will deliver the item and collect the money from the customer. Similarly, for ZK Prover, once the proof is generated, it is sent back to the requesting application and the Prover will get the fee.

“Who uses this?”

The first gateway, and therefore the first consumer of the ZK proof network, will be Lagrange’s own ZK coprocessor.

Summary: The Lagrange ZK Prover network is dedicated to securely generating ZK proofs for applications. Proof requests are handled by the Gateway, which asks the Prover - an EigenLayer operator - to generate a proof.