1.Looking to get rich quick:

• Avoid FOMO and invest with a long-term perspective.

• Diversify your investments across different cryptocurrencies to reduce risk.

• Educate yourself about the projects you invest in, don’t just follow hype blindly.

2. Copy-trading “influencers”:

• Use influencers’ insights as a reference, but always do your own research before investing.

• Understand that influencers might have different risk tolerances or financial goals than you.

3. Trying to time the market:

• Dollar-cost average your investments to mitigate the impact of market volatility.

• Set stop-loss to protect your gains and limit potential losses.

• Take advantage of bear markets to accumulate assets at potentially discounted prices.

4. Going up the “risk-curve”:

• Slowly increase exposure to higher-risk assets based on your experience.

• Avoid allocating a significant portion of your portfolio to highly speculative or unknown tokens.

• Keep a balanced portfolio with a mix of low, medium, and higher-risk assets.

5. Laziness:

• Don't miss opportunities from airdrops, trends, and narratives; actively participate and leverage potential gains.

• Avoid laziness and take the time to research and analyze data before making investment decisions.

• Stay informed about the latest news and developments in the crypto space.

6. Not taking profit:

• Set clear profit-taking targets based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

• Reinvest a portion of your profits into more stable assets to diversify and preserve wealth.

• Avoid being too greedy and recognize that markets can be unpredictable.

7. Unhinged biases:

• Stay open-minded and be willing to change your views based on new information.

• Avoid investing based solely on emotions or attachment to a particular project.

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