When the United States cuts interest rates, the bull market will end. If the speed is fast, I expect that the interest rate cut will start in the fourth quarter of this year, or in the second half of the year. To date, the United States has paid nearly 2 trillion US dollars every year. If the interest rate continues to rise, its debt will increase dramatically. Once it cannot pay the interest, it will default on its debts on a large scale. After several years of continuous interest rate hikes, its economy is now in a very bad state. We have found that many banks have collapsed one after another. On the one hand, they cannot maintain the high interest rates, and on the other hand, they are reaping the benefits through the Asian Subdivision Act. The overseas assets of Chinese people, the current economic situation in the United States, is just a superficial phenomenon. The Federal Reserve will definitely start this interest rate cut cycle soon. The global economy is very bad, and many non-performing assets are also depreciating sharply. The falling house prices are also due to the money lent to Chinese developers by the interest rate cut, and then the capital of China is pulled away by the interest rate hike, which leads to the decline of Chinese prices.

Boasting is involuted. If you dare to make 10wu today, I will dare to make 100wu tomorrow.

If you retreat 10% today, I will dare to retreat 1% tomorrow.

In fact, most people have difficulty making 3000u, let alone 10wu, so don't let others affect your mentality, be steady.

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